September Winners!

Posted by on October 1, 2018 in housekeeping | 2 comments

We had a total of 56 blocks made this month, and ten were donated chances. 10 people made blocks and 3 people donated all their chances. That means seven people in the pot to win either a set of 30 blocks or a set of 26 blocks.

And the winners are …

Which means Kathy S. (30) and Peggy (26)!

Congratulations! Watch for the list from Sophie later on who sends what where. Kathy S. and Peggy, please let Sophie know if you are keeping all your own blocks.

Thanks for a great month! It was so much fun to see what you all did with the baskets.


  1. Yay Kathy!

  2. Congrats to Kathy and Peggy–I know you will both make great quilts from these blocks. Since I have already heard from both of you, I should be able to send out the mailing info later tonight … everyone please Stay Tuned.

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