Wonky houses finally find a home

Posted by on March 19, 2019 in show and tell | 3 comments

I don’t know how many quilters from 2010 are still here in the lotto, but if you are an old-timer, you may remember these wonky house blocks. When I won them, I immediately made a wall hanging that still hangs in my laundry room. I’ve loved its cheerfulness.

When I read that a quilt shop in California was collecting house quilt blocks to make quilts for those devastated by fires in California this winter, I pulled the wonky blocks that remained and made this quilt to send. I know some family will enjoy the bright colors and funkiness of the quilt. Thanks to all who participated in the lotto and make quilts like this possible.

Kathie L in Allentown


  1. What a great use of Lotto blocks. I am sure this cheery quilt will be appreciated.

  2. Kathie, you are so kind, always thinking of others!

  3. Wonky houses top looks great!

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