Finished Scrappy Triangle Pillows

Posted by on March 17, 2013 in show and tell | 2 comments

Scrappy Triangle Pillow ShamsI finished up the 24-inch pillow shams Friday night and sent them through the washer/drier yesterday for some crinkly goodness.  I blogged about this Block Lotto Inspired Project a few days ago.  Here’s the finished product.

I backed them with some old Hoffman Challenge fabric and used one of the darkest purples in the pillows for the binding.

Since one of my cats, Johnny,  has come to believe it’s his birthright to go out onto the roof deck each and every morning (even in the snow), I decided to take the pillows outside for some natural lighting, even though I’m sure everyone recognizes my deck and chair by now and I know I should have been more original …

With Feline Photo Assistans Grace thought whatever was going on outside was interesting enough to join us and come help for a while–here are both my Feline photo assistants checking things out and “helping.”

And one more photo … with a slice of New Mexico sky just after sunrise.

I’ll be using them on the bed, but they make that wooden deck chair look pretty cosy comfy, don’t they?

New Pillows from Scrappy Triangle Blocks


  1. Love’em! They look great! Congrats on a nice finish!

  2. It sure looks inviting, Sophie. The pillows are that great scrappy look I love. Hope you are having a good weekend, Kathie L in Allentown

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