November 2013 Recap

Posted by on November 30, 2013 in housekeeping | Comments Off on November 2013 Recap

SophieBasket1The block for November was the Banded Basket block, made from Quilter’s choice of Basket fabric with a Tone-on-tone or solid fabric handle, band and (optional) base, and a love volume background. I made this one.  Guidelines used for this month are here:

Banded Basket Blocks–Because I Love Them

In November, 18 quilters made 76 blocks, which were won by Cathy and Laura.

Congratulations to you both.

Ellen joined the Block Lotto in November.  Welcome again, Ellen.

As an archive of blocks made and won, here’s the list for November 2013:

Blocks entered into Drawing:

Cathy L – 8 ***WINNER ***

Charlene – 4

Ellen – 1 *NEW*

Helen – 1

Jo – 9

Jude – 1

Kathleen – 2

Kim – 2

Laura – 9 *** WINNER ***

Laurina – 1

Margaret – 4

Nann – 9

Peggy – 3


Blocks donated (no chances in Drawing):

Julie P – 8

Karen – 4

Kathie – 1

Linda – 3

Sophie – 6


October Topic for Weekend Update

This month’s topic is Quilt Shows



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