Susannah Block Winners

Posted by on March 31, 2018 in housekeeping | 3 comments

First, sorry I’m a couple hours late. The Easter Egg Hunts went on a bit longer than I was led to believe by my family and the Easter Bunny. Sheesh!

But we have two winners. I randomized the list of 83 block entries (of the total 90 made; 7 were donation blocks). Then the resulting order was put into Mr. Random Number Generator, and he picked number 67, then number 1, which corresponded to:


Congratulations, Ladies.
Thank you all for allowing me to host this month of the Block Lotto. I have a new appreciation for the work that Sophie puts in for us! And thank you to all the participants. You are a wonderful group!

Cathy Kizerian
……who hopes to be lucky enough to win some blocks some day, LOL!!


  1. Oh yeah! I am so excited and can’t wait to play with these. Thank you all for the beautiful blocks.

  2. Congratulations!!

  3. Congratulations!! I have sent email to Mary and Robin to confirm addresses, etc. As soon as I hear back from you, I’ll put together the mailing info for everyone.

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