So fun! I finally got a few minutes to make blocks for July and had a good time doing it. I’ve been following here for a few months and this was the first time I’ve been able to enter anything in. =D Cheers~
July 22, 2010 at 7:59 PM
Ooooh, that blue is just beautiful. Love, love, love it!
July 23, 2010 at 7:03 AM
Welcome to the block lotto, Jenn. I love how you mixed-and-matched prints in your fireworks.
I've added your blocks to the list. Our new total-so-far this month is 185 blocks. Do you think we'll make it to 200?
Ooooh, that blue is just beautiful. Love, love, love it!
Welcome to the block lotto, Jenn. I love how you mixed-and-matched prints in your fireworks.
I've added your blocks to the list. Our new total-so-far this month is 185 blocks. Do you think we'll make it to 200?