I will be disconnected for a while

Posted by on July 12, 2010 in blocks | 2 comments

My internet in Dallas will be canceled sometime after midnight tonight. My appointment for cable/internet in Austin is 10 days away.  (I should have called a LOT sooner than I did and I haven’t yet received a call-back confirming when they’ll be coming.)

Worst case, I’ll be checking mail and the blog from my iPhone in the meantime.  With luck, I’ll be reconnected just in time to send out the SNEAK PEEK for August on July 24.  (I know, already …)

So, if I seem slow to respond or acknowledge, that’s why.


  1. Hope it's a smooth transition for you to your new place.

    : )

  2. hope the move goes well Sophie. look forward to hearing how great your new flat is (without the leaks and the bizarre banging sounds!)

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