Sophie’s Hearts Have WIngs

Posted by on March 11, 2011 in blocks | 2 comments

. . . kindly provided by the USPS.  As usual, when I mail late, I am always hoping that I am the last person to send my blocks to the winners.

HAVE YOU MAILED YOUR STRING HEART BLOCKS? If not, please do so as soon as possible.

When I mailed my string heart blocks to all the winners yesterday morning, I pretty much decided I am NOT going back to that particular post office to mail lotto blocks again soon.  It’s a little crazy how individual post offices in the US decided to assess postage.


  1. I have had the same problem here in New Plymouth. Just before Christmas I took my squishies to the main postal centre in town. They tried to charge me triple my normal postage saying that the rules for posting letters with things like fabric in had changed and they now had to go as parcels. I thought I may have to stop participating in this site as triple the postage made it a bit expensive to continue. However I thought I would call at my normal local post shop and they are still charging me the original rate so woo hoo I am still having fun taking part and learning new things all the time.

  2. it can change from postal person, even. Or little local PO has much reduced hours, so I have been going to the larger office, one town over. One particular woman consistently charges 2-3x more than the others. I would complain but I am worried she might be doing it correctly…

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