Anonymous blocks are not a good idea

Posted by on April 17, 2011 in blocks | 2 comments

Hi Mary in Washington. I am the one who sent the blocks from NYC. Usually I put a return address on the squishie and the envelope, but I’ve been a mess this month. They were mailed on April 7th, in case anyone (Sophie) is keeping track.

Everyone’s blocks for this month have been just beautiful. Hoping to make modern clovers before the month is up, but am trying to make a small quilt for a retiring colleague, so that’s taking up the little bit of free time!


  1. Thanks Kim! I got several that didn't say who they were from…

  2. Kim, Thanks for posting, but don't sweat the small stuff. And if you can't find the time to make clovers this month … there's always May and June and July 😉

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