Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
313 294 276 234 354
258 359 210 Timestamp: 2011-04-30 16:40:00 UTC
This translates as follows:
1 – Maree
2 – Laura
3 – Kate N
4 – Coralie
5 – Wendy
6 – Janet S.
7 – Wilma
8 – Susan
Congratulations Ladies – Make something pretty.
Congrats to all the winners. All of you can expect email from me later today asking how many of your own blocks you want to keep and confirming your mailing address.
How weird were those random numbers today? ALL over 200.
Wow. I'm shocked. I won?
If I am guessing right and cq4fun is Susan, you are living proof that it really does only take ONE chance to win 😉
Since yours was the last number generated, you'll be receiving a slightly smaller set of blocks–36. Still enough to make something substantial. Have fun.
Wow – what a great surprise to wake up to this morning.
Hey, wow – two months in a row for me. And since this is a block I helped create, it does seem fitting. I was saying before last month that I hadn't won in ages – perhaps the Lotto Gods (goddesses?) were listening! Yippee…
Wow!!!! My husband loved these blocks, he will be happy to hear that I won!!! Cool.
While a handful of people have won two months in a row, I don't think we've had two people be so lucky in the same month–Both Kate and Janet were winners last month and winners again this time. You are two lucky ducks.
this blog is SO amazing!! My sis and I just absolutely love it. We'll definitely be entering into your next giveaway, and hopefully we'll be the lucky ones who win two months in a row!
Congratulations winners! I'll be watching for where to mail my blocks.
Good deal! I love these blocks!!
WOW! I'm shocked to win again…and very excited too. Thank you all, and thank you Sophie for all you do. Janet S