Please check my work

Posted by on November 9, 2011 in blocks | 3 comments

I’ve updated my spreadsheet with everyone’s blocks and doublechecked the total number of blocks–by the way, we already have 151 blocks–enough for 4 winners (who will each receive at least 35 blocks).

This is a good time to double check the list.  It looks like ONLY Kate is donating her chances this month … which, if true, is a good sign that you all like the block, which was suggested by Andrew (I think).

The only blocks NOT on the list are those “Bonus Room” blocks that I believe Kim G might have made. 


  1. It looks like Tina is donating her blocks as well. rho

  2. You're right! Thanks for keeping me honest. Turns out I had it that way on my spreadsheet and the list … but since I added Tina before I went to Houston, I wasn't paying close attention.

  3. Mine are to donate. 🙂

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