Catching Up … and the February Sneak Peek email

Posted by on January 27, 2012 in blocks | 1 comment

If you have made and posted Eclipse blocks, you should have a (late) sneak peek email message from me about February’s block.  Your name and blocks should also appear in one of the lists in the left side bar, either blocks entered for the drawing or blocks “donated” to the pot.

I’m sorry for being an absent blog mom for the past week or so.  I would appreciate if everyone who has made blocks would check to see that their name is on the appropriate list with the right number of blocks.

I’m so proud of everyone who faced their fear of curved seams and/or working with templates and tried the January block. Even if you have decided you still don’t like curves, the next time WILL be easier.

For those that haven’t (YET?) made the January block, but are curious about what might be in store next month, you could look through your stash for fabrics in these colors:


The inspiration for the colorway next month comes from Winter sunsets.

1 Comment

  1. I made two but haven't posted them. Will get that done soon! I have until the 31st, right?

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