Another one from Christa in VA

Posted by on February 18, 2012 in blocks | 6 comments

No, no, no. I really didn’t want to make another block but the idea came and I couldn’t help it. Here it is:

Here is a photo of the work in progress in case anybody is interested:


  1. Love it.

  2. Wow! What an awesome block. Genius!

  3. What a brilliant idea … maybe NEXT February, we’ll all make these.

  4. Thank you, Ladies. I am blushing getting these praises from you experts. But I had soooooo much fun working on my five February blocks. I really need to do some other chores now though.

  5. Awesome heart! Every time I see another heart, I want to win more and more.

  6. Wow! Impressive! Now that is really using what we learned last month!

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