
Posted by on February 1, 2012 in housekeeping | 2 comments

I have heard from all the winners and will send out the mailing information for the January blocks to everyone in the morning.

I have disabled “posting by email” on our old blog and deleted all the authors … as much as I have wrestled with that list over the past couple years, it was a little sad.

I ran an import to bring over the last of the posts so we can continue to have them all in one place.  Unfortunately, even though the import tool claims it won’t duplicate blog posts if you use it EXACTLY the way I did, we have MANY multiples (sometimes 2, usually 3).  I cleaned out the duplicates of posts with photos of quilts and other projects made from or inspired by lotto blocks and put all those posts in the category “show and tell.” They will all show up in the Gallery now . . . as soon as I edit them and add the “Thumbnail” custom field.  On the home page, the 12 most recent projects posted in “show and tell” will be displayed in the slider.

I believe I have responded to everyone who asked about joining the block lotto or who has registered on the site.  If I missed a message from you . . . add a comment here or send another email.

Thank you to everyone who has “jumped” trusting that the net will appear and we will all find our way on this new platform, using new tools … and continuing to make beautiful quilt blocks.


  1. I liked the old site. I thought you did a great job there. I promise I will learn how to do things on this one too. Since the old one is disabled, I hope you still will be able to update the “blocks we made” because Oct and Nov from 2011 are missing. The whole list is such a wonderful resource for beginners like me.

    Thanks for all the work you do!

    • Christa, the links under “Blocks we’ve made” links currently still point to the old blog and need to be updated. Coincidentally, I added October and November to the 2011 block archive article on THIS site yesterday:
      (All the links on that one also STILL post to the old blog … all these updates will take time 😉

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