Karen B’s Blocks
Karen had some problems and so I am posting these four blocks for her.
… And now for a word from your blog mom and webmaster …
To Karen and everyone who found the old blog easier/better, I want you all to remember that we HAD to move because we OUT GREW the limitations on the number of authors allowed on blogspot blogs. You wouldn’t have wanted me to turn you down because there wasn’t room for another blog author and not allow you to play so we could stay, would you?
I will also remind you that I tried to find a workaround for us and when some people switched from blogging as an author to blogging via email and we found out that path was ALSO broken limiting in ways that wouldn’t allow people to post that way.
And, lastly, I will gently point out that even when we were back on blogger, there was JUST AS MANY complaining emails about how hard it is to figure out.
It’s for everyone to decide whether or not it’s worth figuring out. I will not be offended if anyone decides that it’s not worth it for them. But if you must tell me how much better/easier it was for YOU on blogger, keep in mind that it became IMPOSSIBLE for me … and we will NOT be going back.
No complaints from me! Except for remembering what the tags are for the month (which is my own fault), I’m liking the new format.
I’ve been reminding myself that I need to put those tags and categories in the block directions and the At-a-Glance page to make it easier for everyone to find/remember.
I find that the new posting is not intuitive yet, and I have to follow the printed direction you sent in an email a month or so ago. If those directions aren’t already prominently on the basic home page, I think a prominent link to them would help new and old posters alike.
I now checked and the “how to post” tutorial is listed under the “help” menu. Maybe each month you should refer to it in the block instructions so irregular participants can refresh their memories. I love all you do, and I’m very grateful!
I will put some help links on the At-a-Glance page. Thanks for the suggesting it.
I do find this a bit more ‘clunky’ than blogger… but that would be my fault because I haven’t taken the time to read the directions properly and have only posted twice since the change (and both times were a bit rushed).
So that would make it MY fault that I have complaints, and hence why I’m not actually complaining!!
I just refer to the directions each time, and I always have to go check the block instructions post to work out what tags I should be using, but that was the same in blogger anyway.