9 X Blocks

Posted by on November 8, 2014 in blocks | 3 comments

Here are my 9 X blocks!   My 8 year son loved them, so I promised if I win I will use the blocks to make him a new quilt!



  1. Welcome to the block lotto, Lori. It looks like you tried to embed something form Facebook, but it failed. I took the code out of our post. (You are welcome to link in your posts, but Facebook says that whatever you were trying to include is not available.)

    • I had a hard time uploading the photo, so I tried to link to the pictures of the blocks I had put on my Facebook page. Didn’t work. I am new to this thing. 🙂 I was trying to figure out how to fix it when I saw you were editing – Thanks Sophie!! Are these in the right place for the drawing? – Lori

      • Yep, you are officially in the right place and entered into the drawing.

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