Still here, though not sewing much

Posted by on November 29, 2014 in block lotto community | 4 comments

Once again, a month in which it looks like I won’t have time for lotto blocks – I sure hope I get some sewing time soon, before I explode!  But it’s lovely watching everyone make (and win) blocks – perhaps in December there will be time for me to play!


  1. I am right there with you in the “not sewing much” category. I had to evacuate my house on Thursday morning (because of another CO Leak) and on Friday afternoon found out that the heat-exchanger has cracked which means no heat in my house until the owner replaces the radiant heat system … sometime next week. Until then, the cats and I are staying in a nearby hotel and I am visiting my cold, cold studio.

    • Sophie hi, Sorry to hear about this! You must have Angels watching over you and the cats…CO is deadly. Wasn’t this the second time? Well Hopefully the Landlord will do a good job and it will never be a problem for you again! Have a great Day!

  2. Hi Kate, Isn’t it great to have a full and active life! I am still sewing and enjoying it a lot…some of the patterns are a challenge for me as the Sun one is…but I am not giving up on it…I really understand now what you said …way back then …about how choosing fabrics/patterns doesn’t get easier because the more you do the more you can envision doing…Holy Doodle, is that ever true! Some days my mind just keeps going, “Now if I switched this for that, …what would it look like?” and I spend way too much time, having way too much fun just playing with the blocks. Kate, I hope life levels out enough for you to have some pleasure just playing with some fabric too! It was great to hear from you.

  3. I do get a bit of time for sewing, just haven’t quite managed to fit the lotto in for a few months – but December should be good – even though there’s a lot of extra stuff going on with the holidays, I also get several weeks off work, which is always a plus when it comes to sewing time.

    Sophie, sorry to hear you are decamped from your house (but safety is paramount) – what a royal pain for you; hope it all gets sorted soon. At least my problem is just being too busy 🙂

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