pets and the sunrise blocks are getting put together

Posted by on July 5, 2015 in blocks | 3 comments

photo 1 (5)

one fish and one dog for donation!

photo 2 (5)

I working on getting my center sun together for the sunrise blocks I won last summer. I drafted the pattern myself and so far it is all going together nicely. I am paper piecing it. I have only cut the pattern apart once while trimming and just once I trimmed off the fabric I had just sewn on. There is a lot of thinking while putting these together. photo 3 (4)


  1. That quilt is going to be a knock-out. I want to try a NY beauty. I do enjoy the paper piecing but it does take extra time to be sure there’s enough fabric to cover the areas. Ripping out is a pain.

  2. Great looking Julie …You are doing a terrific job on that big sun…It is not an easy block is it? but. oh so beautiful!

  3. Great pet blocks. What a bonus to click on this post and see your sun blocks. Very, very pretty! Keep going!

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