
Posted by on April 5, 2017 in blocks | 3 comments

Here’s my first cactus block for donation.  I found that the pattern instructions for the background rectangles were too small.  I had to make them 2.5 x 4.5 vs what the pattern called for-2 x 3.5 then everything went together well. With five week old twins in the house my other donation blocks will come straggling in over the month as I get a spare hour to work on them.



  1. Congratulations on the beautiful babies. I’m amazed you got ANY done!

    • It is crazy around here until the end of June when my daughter’s husband will be here permanently and then they move to their new house about an hour away. In the meantime, we are getting to know our new grand babies. Our only other grandchildren live about 1500 miles south of us in Florida.

  2. Wonderful picture of those grandbabies!

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