5 For Feb Orphan Drawing

5 For Feb Orphan Drawing

I had wanted to do more of these blocks, but the majority of my orphans are larger.  So I dug up 5 and added scraps from my scrap buckets.  They were fun to make.   I would like to donate them to the pot.  I really don’t need more UFO tops right now!  ...

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Silly String Question

I sat out last month due to a really hectic month! But I love this month’s block andI have to join in. I have a general question concerning finding the block instructions each month. When I signed in a couple of times in june with the intention of making one or two schoolhouses, I happeded upon the instructions quite by accident and the other time I never found them again. Is there an easy way to get to the instructions for each month?...

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Stars sent to Maree and Caroline

I was bummed not to win the blocks I really wanted, but then I am like that every month.  So I was sobbing at the post office as I mailed them off this morning.  Knowing that my blocks went to New Zealand and I could not was a really terrible thing! Congratulations to the winners, maybe next month. glen

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9 for the lotto

9 for the lotto

I have finally completed 9 blocks.  Although somehow when I was doing the last 5 today at the Sew In I ended up with 10 sets.  So I have some extras to make a really cutsey baby quilt.  All I need is one more, which gives me two more…..see how this grows! LOL. Anyway, I have 9 to add to the pile and hope to win with! So 9 got to some lucky winner, and the other 5 stay with me.  This is a good random arrangement, it will be hard to pick...

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My 9 for April – glen QuiltSwissy

My 9 for April – glen QuiltSwissy

Can I say how much I love this block?  I wavered for a day…..do I submit and not win or do I keep them to myself! I grudgingly decided to submit them.  The fabrics are all from shirts from hubby and mom and the Purple Cow.  I have a huge huge huge stack of these I have been saving for about 4 years to make one quilt.  So far I  have made 3 quilts and the stack does not seem to be diminishing any.  Sigh………   Did I say how...

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Old and New

I have the old blocks, the ones I wanted so badly but the Quilt Gods did not choose me. You lucky people who got them. I am sooo jealous. And I have three of the others made and then some others ready to be put together. I hve to work on some borders tonight, but maybe tomorrow or Wednesday I can post my blocks. At first I thought they were odd, but then I fell in total love. So now I have transferred my affections to the new group. I will now...

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Scratch my 5 2/3 blocks

Scratch my 5 2/3 blocks

I know, my 5 blocks and put me down for NINE total!  LOL. I am so excited, I really want these guys.  I hope the random number fairy picks me!...

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5 2/3 blocks made

5 2/3 blocks made

Yes, you saw correctly.  I have 5 2/3 blocks made and I ran out of WOW fabric.   But as luck would have it, there was a new Jo-Ann’s Fabrics opened up here on Saturday.  I am pretty sure they have some fabric I can have. I want to make 9, I am lusting after these babies! So here are the current 5 2/3 with more to follow!  LOL....

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Heart blocks sent to Andra

Boy this is sure confusing to post!  I am sure I will get to liking it soon, but this is the fist time for this set up for me. I did send the blocks in the mail this morning via post.    

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4 February Hearts

4 February Hearts

My first time in the lotto.  This is exciting!    Some are paperpieced and some are free form.  I will try to make some additional hearts later, but this is it for now! All this new is very different.  But I think I am figureing it out.  We shall see when I push that Publish Button, won’t we! Caio,...

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