Spokes blocks received and a small quilt with Block Lotto influence

Spokes blocks received and a small quilt with Block Lotto influence

I’m very happy to report that ALL of my spokes blocks have arrived, and they are making a charming display on my design wall. Aren’t they wonderful? Now all I have to do it figure out the best way to make them into a quilt masterpiece! Thanks to everyone who sent me blocks. The blocks that spell out my name in the lower left corner were made by Marielle in Mexico, who sent them along as a surprise. Marielle I love them! Thank you. I...

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Want to Help Solve a Mystery?

I incorrectly attributed 2 Sunrise blocks way back in June … and only just discovered my goof when I asked someone when they had mailed their blocks only to discover that they didn’t make any.  I am thinking that I incorrectly added those two blocks to my spreadsheet, which has since been sorted and re-sorted, so I have no idea who made them … and haven’t found any clues in old email messages or posts. Can you help me...

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Blocks from distant lands

Blocks arrived last week from Dagmar (Germany) and Karen (South Africa) – they are lovely, thank you. I’m still waiting for a few stragglers, but most have arrived. I’m thinking about how I will use them – no one idea has stuck yet.

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Baby Quilt with Sunshine Blocks

Baby Quilt with Sunshine Blocks

Just finished quilt top using the sunshine blocks I got last month. Very simple design with the panel in the middle and using the blocks as a border, but I think it’s cute for a baby quilt. Thanks again for all the lovely blocks. And if you dont see your block in the quilt it’s because I have 6 left that I will be turning them into throw...

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More sun arriving in New Zealand

This week I’ve received blocks from Charlene (thanks for the lizard fabric and the fun note), Laura, Margaret, and Sophie. Still expecting a few more (some coming a very long way) but so far they are looking so bright and cheery. I’m starting to think about what to do with them – there’s the obvious choice with them paired up into full suns, but I am starting to imagine a big sunny center medallion with the 1/2 suns as a...

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Received and Sent

I THINK I have received all my Diagonal Bar Blocks. I was keeping track on a paper I seem to have misplaced when I cleaned up for 4th of July birthday party and fireworks for youngest son who turned 30.  I know there’s a reason I should never clean. Thanks, everyone! I don’t know what I will do with them just yet.   I also mailed (well, actually, DH mailed) two Sunrise Blocks to Julie P today. Expected delivery date is the...

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